Sunday 1 April 2012


I just thought I would start off this blog with 2 quotes which I feel are very effective and have a great effect on some of my opinions
 "Success is the best form of revenge" and "We can raid the dressing up box and pretend to be human, but in the end we all go back to being the monsters we all truly are"
the first was said by a real person like myself who had been bullied as an adolescent but is now a major success and I am in love with his soul.
The second was said in a TV show said by one of my favourite characters who is a vampire and is very wise and I love him also.
I think that sometimes other people words can be much more inspiring than my own foolish thoughts that I will put on here for everyone to see, and whatever I say it is because I am a teenage girl whom is respectable but like the 2nd quote says, pretending. However I am not saying I always pretend because I do care about peoples feelings, even if they don't care about mine and this blog is just to say what I want to say the people I do care about, but can't because I would hurt them.